Thursday, April 1, 2010

A little bit of normalcy please

Well, Mum went into hospital for one night for some tests for breathlessness, then some more tests, then had an angiogram that failed, then had a heart attack, started getting better, had heart arrhythmia, then got better, got so weak she needs assistance a lot to go to the toilet and shower and get out of chairs and so on, so is still in hospital now, after 2 weeks! Once she is stronger and can get to the bathroom unassisted, then she'll be allowed home as long as I assist her in the shower and the nurse will come to their home every second day to shower because Dad's older then Mum and not good medically either and they will also get someone in to clean if Dad actually allows them to, as he thinks he's superman and can do everything.
Hospitals are exhausting! I'm so completely wiped out and Mum's not getting much rest either. They are loud and busy places. Everyone is lovely, the nurses are fantastic, the Dr's really care. It's not that, it's the place! Alarms go off, doorbells ring, everything beeps, squeaks, moans, rattles or bumps.
At any rate, I'll be baack once things are semi-normal again.


  1. How is the 'hospital granny squares' project coming along? Hope that your life settles down soon. Wishing your Mum a speedy recovery and hope you all have a happy Easter.

  2. My poor granny squares are all different sizes *g* some days I was doing really tight tense looking ones, and the others are loose and loopy. I'm sitting down to start joining them tonight!


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