Saturday, May 14, 2011

Well, you know, stuff happened!

I know I know I've been gone soooo very long.
I didn't mean to it just kind of happened!

I haven't been sewing:(
I haven't been knitting:(
I haven't worked very much:(
I did a little bit of crochet. - I still haven't stitched it together yet YIKES!
I enrolled in University...WOW what a workload! A Fine Arts and Visual Culture degree for the next 3 years! All my work for this SP is due next week...STRESS!
I've been filling my days with Art, and Artists, research, research and more research, drawing, painting and photographing, visual art diaries, plasticine clay-mation animations, charcoal, pencils, paint and paper....ahhhhh I feel like I haven't had a moment to breathe! BUT it is all delicious!

This is one of the favourites of the things I've made so far, it is a collage made from painting sheets of paper in tonal greys then cutting them up to create a picture.

Next SP I get to do Printmaking...I CAN'T wait for that one! But also looking forward to some free time soon, maybe to sew! I bought fabric at Ikea at Easter...I have such big plans! Please let me at the sewing machine soon!

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