Saturday, May 21, 2011

Not my blog!

Hi lovelies, I was made aware that a link on my blog roll of the blogs I read was coming up as having been hijacked by Malware losers.
I've removed Handmade Matters from my blogroll at least until they are not hijacked anymore.

VERY thankful it wasn't my blog that had been hijacked!

So, if you are hearing of people getting the same messages about Malware when visiting your blog, check your blogroll links, and check them in multiple browsers. I'm on a Mac and it only showed up in Chrome (because Chrome pre-checks every link on the page it is loading) and Camino another browser picked it up too apparently as well says my husband.

And to distract you from the Losers who have hijacked some poor persons site...Heres a little bit of pretty I made the other day for my Art course.

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