Monday, October 18, 2010

M is for Mondays

M is for Multitasking Mondays!
I can't believe it's Monday already! After torrential rains last week, we've spent the weekend thinking we were about to be flooded at any moment by the Murrumbidgee river. But thankfully the worst that flooded near us was the cricket ground, the flood water didn't come racing through our suburb as feared. We live in a suburb right next to the river. There are levi banks but noone is ever sure they will hold the water after so many years of drought, but they held! And in the places not protected by the levi banks, the river rose fast and flooded into the slightly lower lying areas next us. As far as I am aware no houses were flooded here thankfully.

Today's to-do list.
1. M is for Mending
I have a great, great, great pile of mending to do, or at least make a dint in it.
2. another M is for Mouse
I have to make a new Mouse for Mirabel today, she will be called Macaroni.
3. M is for Machine wash
I have about 5 boxes of dusty vintage  (luckily machine washable) fabrics that have to be machine washed and dried or hung up.
4. M is for marking
I have 2 classes of book work from last term to Mark and grades to enter and reports to write.
5. M is for Mop
I have to Mop the floors because quite frankly its verging on a necessity now after all that rain and wet feet! I can see where you've been people!

So today's, Manic Multitasking Monday, is brought to you by the letter M and the number 5.

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