Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cutting out patterns, Coffee, John Mayer and Tweeting

Have you ever had one of those days, where you start cutting out a pattern, and somewhere between 50 sheets of tissue paper you lose interest in the project completely and/or the will to live.
Mark Thursday 11th February down as such a day and move onto coffee. Delicious coffee where would I be without you. I smell you I drink you I love you, sometimes I even dream about you. So I sit here now sipping and breathing in my delicious coffee while allowing John Mayer's Battle Studies to wash away my various ills - ahhh iPod therapy. I seriously love listening to his music...I don't want to get all commenty but I have to mention I've been following his tweets for a good while now (along with most of the internet) I read a little earlier this morning about his playboy interview comments and was as equally horrified and dumbfounded ( as the vast majority of the tweeting world is), and it seems he is just as horrified at himself for using such a word. While he is often reflectful and introspective in his tweeting, today his tweets sound extremely internally tortured. I hope he finds some peace within himself so we can all just get back to the wonderful music.
I'm going back to the cutting out table now to pin and cut the fabric for the February challenge. Despite the loss of interest while cutting out the pattern, I will get this project finished, if only to say that I did not waste 3 hours cutting out and adjusting a pattern for nothing. Snippity Snip, Snip, pin, pin, ouch!

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