Saturday, December 19, 2009

Taa Daa! Three Cosmonaut Devils

I've called them Leonid (Blue), Ivan (Red) and Uri (Green). Each has a different personality (and expression). They took about an hour and half each to cut out sew up and stuff. Their little hands are the hardest to get the stuffing to stay into while you stuff the rest! One wonders how they scratch themselves.
The cosmonaut pattern came from the book Softies.
I have 7 nephews and nieces and two more on the way, the Cosmonaut Devils are for one of my gorgeous nephews, LilB. I wrote him a space adventure story to go with them. It is making me laugh as I illustrate it today, I hope he likes it!
It is however taking ages as I'm using Adobe Illustrator and it's all a bit slow on the Macbook I have. The Macbook...He's lovely for carrying around school! I have him plugged into the monitor at home for working without eye damage, but I hope the lovely big 27" iMac comes soon with all it's power and enormous screen! He's on order, but he won't make it here by Christmas. He'll be a new year present instead!